Autism Day
Intoegy decided today, Tuesday, 2-4-2019
Celebrating and participating in the International Day of Awareness of the Disorder of Persons with Autism, which was declared by the General Assembly of the United Nations to raise awareness to change attitudes towards these people and to recognize their rights as citizens
Autism is a lifelong neurological condition that appears in early childhood, regardless of sex, race, or social and economic status. Autism refers to a set of characteristics. Adequate support, adaptation and acceptance of this neurological difference would allow those infected with this disease to enjoy equal opportunities and full and effective participation in society.
Autism is characterized mainly by its unique social interactions, unusual ways of learning, extreme interest in specific topics, a tendency to routines, difficulties in traditional communication, and certain ways of processing sensory information. Autism is high in all regions of the world, Enormous impact on individuals, families and their communities.
The stigma and discrimination associated with these neurological differences continue to be major obstacles to diagnosis and treatment, an issue that policy makers must address in developing countries as well as in donor countries.
Its symptoms include:
1 – disorder in the growth and response to sensory stimuli
2 – Disturbance in communication and in language and knowledge structures
3 – disturbance in the social dealings even with natural family
4 – lack or increase the kinetic pattern
– One of the reasons that lead to the child’s autism disorder biological imbalances or heredity or causes of illness can cause injury such as the German measles
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2016, one child in every 160 children suffers from autism disorders, which appear in childhood and tend to persist in adolescence and adulthood.
Intoegy noted that will contribute to marketing campaigns on this day and appealed to its customers to volunteer and participate in all kinds of assistance as a solidarity of us for today and in our belief in the need for social participation